Impact of Tillage Operation on the Fruit Yield of six Exotic Tomato Varieties on an Alfisol in the Southern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria

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Nigerian Branch of International Soil Tillage Research Organisation.


Three separate field experiments were conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm, University of Ilorin, Nigeria on an alfisol with low inherent fertility status to study the effect of two conventional tillage methods on yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) during 2006 normal and 2007 irrigation growing seasons. The conventional tillage treatments (Ridge: tractor ploughed, harrowed and ridged and Flat: tractor ploughed and harrowed) were used to assess the response of the varieties to four N-Fertilizer regimes (0, 30, 60 and 90 Kg N/ha), two different growing seasons (rainfed versus irrigation) and two moisture regimes (normal watering versus post-anthesis moisture deficit) respectively. Tomato yields were significantly influenced by tillage methods with planting on the flat producing a significantly higher fruit yield than planting on the ridge except under moisture deficient condition. Roma (check variety) significantly yielded higher than other varieties under both N-Fertilizer regimes and growing seasons while Periondonta was superior for fruit yield under moisture regime.



Tillage system, fruit yield, N-Fertilizer rate, Moisture regime

