Impact of Collective Bargaining on Industrial Conflicts Resolution in Nigerian Public Universities

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Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Ilorin


Nigeria lias recently witnessed a lnuge increase in the number of industrial actions. No day passes in Nigeria withotit strikes or tlnreats of strikes in one form or another. In fact industrial actions Inavc become so endemic in Nigei'ia tliat' even our courts would lie prepai'ed to take judicial notice 0،' tlnenn. In tine liglnt of tlnis, to avert tliis unhealthy trend, tlie promotion and development of collective bargaining lias Incen proclaimed to be 1'he most' desirable medium ill set'tling industrial conflicts in a work environment. This study is designed to critically examine tine impact of collective bargaining on industrial conflicts resolut'ion in Nigerian public universities, 'fhe study targeted academic staff of botln states and federal universities in Soutln-West geo-polit'ical zone of Nigeria, owing t'0 tlneir active participation in industrial actions. Tlie sample size of 600 academic staff were select'ed from 6000 ASUU members in South-West geo-political zone, '!'lie use of collective bargttining has been fOund to littve meaningfully contributed to industrial pettcc anti harmony as well as effective medium in checking incidents of strikes, laliour unrest's and brain drain in Nigerian pulilic Linivcrsities. ؛-lence, govei'nmciit sliould recognize and strengtlncn collect'ive bargaining to littve conducive atmosphere in Niget'itin fjnivcrsities.



Collective Bargaining, Industrial Conflict, Resolution, Public Universities

