Sino-Nigeria Economic Relations under the Obasanjo Administration

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Published by the Department of History and International Studies, University of Ilorin, Ilorin


The last eight years 1999-2007 have tremendously witnessed monumental and developmental changes as regards Sion-Nigerian economic ties, which have grown astronomically. China's achievements of accelerated progress have occasioned her modernization, civilization, global acceptability and dramatic economic growth. Thus, the effects of China's feat have positively and negatively affected the economic relations with Nigeria. The juxtaposition of China-Nigeria relations seems like an exercise in separate categories and lopsidedness or Chinese domination in the bilateral terrain. Therefore, the paper postulates that Sion-Nigerian economic relations anchor on economic alliances and understanding, This informs why former Nigerian president, Olusegun Obasanjo described China's investment in Nigeria as part of the overall reform of the national economy, aimed at giving the nation a fresh economic lease, as well as benefiting from Chinese experience as an emerging Superpower.



Sino-Nigeria, Economic Relations, Olusegun Obasanjo, Administration

