Appraising the Global Rights Issues: A Focus on Protection of Dignity and Rights in Nigeria

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Institute of Development Assistance Management. IDAM, University of Forte Hare, Bisho Campus, Eastern cape, South Africa


The turmoil and atrocities of the first and second world war resulting in genocide and holocaust executed by Hitler Nazi government against the Jewish race throughout Europe, as well as wanton destruction of cities, prosecutions, discrimination, lack of basic liberties, ethnic cleansing among others, were caused by disregard and contempt for human rights. People and cities were massacred in numbers by the warring camps. This outrage the conscience of mankind and brought about need for protection of fundamental rights of human beings in the form of covenants, protocols and declaration. one of such was the universal declaration of human rights by members of the United Nations. The declaration not being a legal document was only binding morally on the conscience of members. Any state wishing to give it legal force had a duty to adopt it through country's legislative powers. it is important to note that the declaration covers a wide gamut of human rights. The starting point was to recognized equality of mankind even though this was totally at variance with Hitler's view of superiority of German Race. In this paper protection of human human rights to dignity is the focus and it would highlight the various forms of violations of the human right to dignity. In this regard, violations resulting in humiliations, instrumentation, degradation, dehumanization, trafficking prostitution, traditional widowhood practices among others will be considered. Specific attention is given to violations against women and children born and unborn as well as rights in armed conflicts because of their vulnerability. The paper concludes by looking at the impact of insurgencies in Nigeria in the face of all the laws protecting human rights.




Human Rights, Humanitarian, Dignity, Violations, Recognition


