Food security among cashew farming households in Kogi state, Nigeria
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The efects of increasing the levels of
cashew production on income, food security, nutrition
and consumption among rural households are very
complex. While its production is expected to boost
rural households’ income, it has tendencies of reduc ing land and other resources for food crop produc tion. However, to the best of the researcher’s knowl edge there is not much empirical data available on
its efects on households that are engaged in cashew
farming in Nigeria. As a result, food security in Nige rian households engaged in cashew farming was ana lyzed, and the factors infuencing food security were
identifed. Using a multi-stage sampling technique,
228 cashew farmers were carefully chosen for this
study. Descriptive statistics, logit regression and food
security index, were used to evaluate the primary
data that was obtained through the use of a structured
questionnaire. The result revealed that with an aver age of 2145 kcal per capita calorie intake, the major ity (58.8%) of cashew farming households were food
insecure. Food security status among cashew farming
households was determined by household size, farm ing experience, education level of households food
planner, roots and tubers output, Annual of-farm
income, output of cashew and output of cereals. The
study recommended the need for nutrition-oriented
programmes, adoption of modern family planning
techniques and income diversifcation among cashew
farming households.
Cashew · Food security · Households ·logit