Abdullahi, Kadir Ayinde2018-05-112018-05-112015http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/233The basic approach in this essay on Hausa Literature in Northern Nigeria in the Pre-colonial period begins with an exploration of traditional Hausa oral literary forms. The paper further examines the nature and preoccupation of literary expressions which arose with the advent of Islam in Hausa land. Right from the pre-colonial period, Islamic literary works were responses to the great historical and social events. The Writers were content to occupy themselves in scholarly pursuits, which their literacy made possible for them and which were nourished by the flow of Islamic literature into Sudan along the caravan routes of the Sahara. Through this literary art, the indigenous literary expressions were significantly modified.enPre-ColonialHausa LiteratureNorthern NigeriaHistorical studiesPERSPECTIVE ON PRE-COLONIAL HAUSA LITERATURE IN NORTHERN NIGERIAArticle