Adesanya, Emmanuel OlorunlekeOsinem, E.C.Afolabi, Kayode Ojo2021-10-042021-10-042017 Agricultural education is the way of improving productivity in the agricultural sector. It could also be a strong tool in achieving the aims and objectives of the Sustainable Development goals (SDGs). Agricultural education is a strong tool in addressing the menace of hunger and poverty. Several attempts have been made by scholars to proffer ways through which the SDG objectives of eradicating hunger poverty can be realized. Most of these have dwelt on the aspects of increasing animal production, efficient marketing channel and intensive use of modern technology in agriculture. Thus, this paper sought to shed light on how agricultural education could be used to achieved the SDG objectives of eradicating hunger and poverty as well as creating decent jobs through training in agronomy and forestry. This paper dealt with factors that generated the problems as well as explanations of major concepts relating to the topic, the relevance of agricultural education to the actualization of SDGs; the process through which productive employment could be achieved In the area of agronomy and forestry, ways by which productive employment could be achieved through agricultural education in the aspects of awareness creation, as well as vocational guidance and counseling. It is recommended that agricultural education should be made compulsory in primary and secondary schools, it should be well funded by governments and teachers should be well motivated to improve the study agriculture in schools. It is believed that if these are done, the desired goal of reducing hunger and creating employment could be achieved.enAgricultural EducationSustainable DevelopmentAgronomyForestryThe Role of Agricultural Education in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through Productive Employment in Agronomy and Forestry.Article