Afolayan, Kayode Niyi2021-06-172021-06-172013Afolayan, K.N. (2013): Madiba: Between Dialectics of Alienation and the Praxes of Social Reformation. JLSN: A Journal of the Literary Society of Nigeria. Issue 5; 47- 56, Published by The Department of English and Literature, University of Benin. space occupied by South African literature has always been valued within the matrix of historical experience. One of the perspectives that give attention to this is the categorization of engagements in Theory of African Literature (1989) where Chidi Amuta delienates between radical and liberal sentiments in the creative impulses the exhibited the ordeals of the apartheid era. This paper, against the background of the crisis of leadership in Nigeria takes into account the contemporary global relevance of the South African experience by bringing into focus titles like Wole Soyinka's Ogun Abibiman (1976) and Mandela's Earth and other Poems (1989), John Pepper Clark's Mandela and Other poems (1988), Ogaga Ifowodo's Madiba (2003) and Sam Omatseye's Madela's bones and Other poems (2009), The writer's conclusion, in this re-appraisal of the Mandela experience, raises questions that seek antidote to social crises beyond the borders of leadershipenMadibadialecticssocial reformationMadiba: Between Dialectics of Alienation and the Praxes of Social ReformationArticle