Tijani, A. A.Balogun, Z. B.2023-05-222023-05-222021Tijani, A. A. & Balogun Z. B. (2021): Private Participation: A catalyst for Secondary Schools Development in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State. Nigeria. Journal of Educational Leadership and Management (JELMA). 2 (2); 112-1221119-3239https://uilspace.unilorin.edu.ng/handle/20.500.12484/10687Articleexamined the existing relationship between private participations in secondary i sheir development in Ilorin ietropolis, Kward State, Nigeria. Descriptive research orrection type was adopted for the study. The target population comprised all 45 senior secondary schools in Ilorin Metropolis 200 respondents and 20 schools' umple size chosen with method of stratified random sompling techniques from the / Govermment Areas made up of llorin Metropolis. The instrument tagged Private ens and Secondary school Development Quéstionnaire (PPSSD0) was developed by sher. The instrument was validated by three expects from university of llorin. he reliability coefficient of 0.81 was obtained using test, re-test method to ascertain of reliability of the instrument: The two research questions raised were answered riptive method of mean and standard deviation. However, the three formulated ypotheses were analyzed using inferential statistics of Person product-moment statistics. Among the finding of this study were (i) there was a positive and relationship between private participation and secondary schools development in -polis with calculated r-value of .149>0.05 significance level. (li) there is high relationship between PTA and school development in llorin metropolis with r-value of .198>0.05 level of significance. (ili) there was a positive and high relationship between community participation and secondary school development necropolis with calculated r-value of .134>0.05 level significance. Among the gations made were that artisan organizations and religions organization should more to the schoal development Government Should also increase allocation to enhance the school development in llorin metropolis, Kwara State.enPrivate participation, PTA and school developmentPrivate Participation: A catalyst for Secondary Schools Development in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara StateArticle