SIWOKU-AWI, OMOTAYO2020-02-202020-02-202010-08 article explores the contemporary issues in Cameroon where the writer hails from. She describes the lives of young people who do not have a focus and their main lifestyle is prostitution. Ateba in particular exhibits a psychological problem of being torn between chastity and promiscuity like her friend Irene. She fights against male dominance, though a teenager whose ideas are not well developed, Calixthe Beyala presents through the girl the monumental fight of women against male hegemony.The novel, C’est le soleil qui m’a brûlée published by Stock in 1987 was the first attempt of the author, Calixthe Beyala to address the subjectivity of women. In the novel, she does the description of degenerate society, of an indigent people without raison d’être, a people who care less about development and ameliorating its standard of living but that lives marginally with the only objective of excessive sexual expression. Prostitution appears like the norm for the lazy women characters and the only acceptable way of making a living. Lazy and aimless adolescents as represented by Ateba and Irene live only for sexual work and enjoyment as a way of self-liberation from socio-economic dilemma. This abstract explores the possible psychological causes for these manifestations of aberrant behaviours and underpins the lapsus in government and its failure to improve the life of the citizenry.frEXPLICATION PSYCHOLOGIQUE,LUTTE CONTRE LE PHALLUS,LE MILITANTISME INFANTILELA CHASTETE,LA PROXENETE,UNE EXPLICATION PSYCHOLOGIQUE DE L'OEUVRE DE CALIXTHE BEYALA C'EST LE SOLEIL QUI M'A BRULEEArticle