Nwosu, Patrick UchennaNwosu, Florence2019-06-252019-06-252018978-235-1185http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2296The idea of Igbo accountable political tradition suggests that there are other political theories and traditions outside the Igbo fold, Hence, egbe bere ugo ebere, as a political theory, is chosen to explore how the Igbo defines good governance in the precolonial time, the goals a community ought to pursue, code of conduct for political officers as weIl as the standard for assessing the performances of political institutions. Egbe bere ugo ebere embodies the orientations, values, beliefs and ideas which dominate political activities in any given traditional community in Igbo land that has 'Igbo Kwenu' and 'mma mma' as forms of greeting. It is with this understanding that the paper attempts to forge a specifie category that could serve as a model theory for Nigeria democratie sustainability. The exarnination of the theory is germen considering the fact that Nigerian society today is characterized by loss of human dignity and communal solidarity resulting to all manners of depraved behavior, spiritual indiscipline and degenerated language attitude taking Igbo language as example. These experiences calI for renewed political alternatives for Nigerian nation. Applying historical and analytical methods, the chapter examines the significant tenets of Igbo politics expressed as egbe bere ugo ebere. The chapter argues that it is leadership aimed at service and based on consensus of aIl concerned and concludes with suggestions to re-engineer the political system of the nation in the path of moral integrity and positive attitude to our Nigerian languages which Igbo is oneenPolitical TheoryAccountabilityOrientationStandardPrecolonialEgbe Bere Ugo Bere: Towards a Theory of Accountable Political Tradition and CultureBook chapter