Saminu, SaniJabire, Adamu HaliluJajere, Adamu MuhammedSadiq, Abubakar MuhammadZakariyya, Rabiu Sale2022-01-102022-01-102020-092277-0011 paper presents the performance evaluation of Orthogonal Space Time Block Codes on Multiple Input Multiple Output (OSTBC-MIMO) system using our proposed extended Alamouti’s STBC scheme based on Orthogonal design. The model was evaluated with different modulation schemes such as BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, and 16-PSK for different antenna configurations. From our results, BPSK outperforms other modulations scheme. The system model was developed in Matlab environment and Bit error rate against signal to noise ratio was used to evaluate the performance under Rayleigh faded channel. Our proposed scheme improves the channel capacity gains, data throughput, and mitigate fading and interference.enOSTBCMIMOAlamouti’s schemeModulation schemesOSTBC-MIMO Performance Evaluation Using Different Modulation SchemesArticle