Raheem, U.A.Olorunfemi, F.B,Awotayo, G.P.,Tunde, A. M.Usman, B. A.2019-10-282019-10-28201339. Raheem, U.A.,. Olorunfemi, F.B,.Awotayo, G.P. Tunde A.M & Usman, B.A (2013). Disaster Risk Management and Social Impact Assessment: Understanding Preparedness, Response and Recovery in Community Projects. In "Environmental Change and Sustainability" edited by Steven Silvern and Stephen Young, Intech Publishers, Croatia. 259-274. https://www.intechopen.com/books/environmental-change-and-sustainability.https://www.intechopen.com/books/environmental-change-and-sustainabilityhttp://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3064INTRODUCTION. Disaster refers to an emergency caused by natural hazards or human-induced actions that results in a significant change in circumstances over a relatively short time period. Typical examples are death, displacement, disease, and loss of crops. Others may include damage to physical infrastructure, depletion of natural and social capitals, institutional weakening and a general disruption of economic and social activity. Disasters may differ somewhat in the trigger, scope, duration and requisite actions (Coletta, 2004, Olorunfemi and Raheem, 2007).enDisaster Risk ManagementResponse and RecoveryCommunity ProjectsSocial Impact AssessmentUnderstanding PreparednessDisaster Risk Management and Social Impact Assessment: Understanding Preparedness, Response and Recovery in Community Projects.Book chapter