Adeboye, Adenike AbiolaYahaya, Lasiele AlabiBolu-Steve, Foluke NikeAdeleke, Ms2021-11-242021-11-242019 is an issue in Nigerian secondary schools that students hesitate to visit school counsellors at will in making career decisions. Guidance and counselling programmes are used to assist every individual student to become better in all areas of' their lives such as: career decision making, educational. emotional, physical, social, psychological and vocational. This study investigated the influence of Guidance and counselling services on students’ career choice as expressed by teachers in Saki-east, Oyo state. A descriptive survey was adopted for the study. All teachers in Oyo state constituted population for the study while the target population consisted of selected teachers in Saki-East LGA. Oyo state. Simple random sampling technique was employed to select two hundred respondents from the ten public secondary schools that were randomly selected for the study. Three null hypotheses were formulated for the study. “influence of Guidance and counselling services on students' career choice questionnaire " (IGCSSSQ was content validated, with a reliability of 0.70 and administered to the respondents to collect relevant data. Frequency counts and percentages were used for analyzing demographic section while t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistical methods were used in comparing the expressions of respondents on the basis of gender, religion and working years of experience. The findings showed that there were significant differences in the expression of teachers on influence of guidance and counselling services on students’ career choice on the basis of gender, religion and working years of experience. It is therefore recommended that there is need to revamp the career guidance programme in schools especially where there is a significant lack of career information in order to be self-determined in making career decision. Also, Counsellors should sensitize students on the need to acquire adequate vocational information and discuss same freely with their friends they may be able to make well informed careers.eninfluenceguidancecounsellingcareerserviceInfluence of Guidance and Counselling Services on Students'Career Choice as expressed by Teachers in Saki-east, Oyo stateArticle