Isiaq, Abdulwaheed Atanda2024-05-092024-05-092023-021115 – 960X accounts and documents attesting to Nigeria's recurrent waves of corruption are abundantly accessible. The impacts of corruption continue to be felt by every Nigerian, and the scourge has a severe influence on all of the country's institutions. Corruption persists and impedes effective socio-economic development initiatives in the country. Despite several efforts to combat the disease, Nigerians continue to be mired in corruption. This research study focuses on political variables, utilizing governance, political stability, and the rule of law as discussion indices. While other elements contribute to corruption in a nation, this study focuses on political ones. The Kwara Central, Kwara North, and Kwara South Senatorial Districts conducted 1,175 surveys with great attention. The descriptive approach and inferential statistics of chi-square (X2) and regression analysis were utilized for data analysis and testing of hypotheses. Various analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). There were found to be relationships between the defined factors and corruption in the state of Kwara. Consequently, it is advised that significant and practical efforts be made, particularly through seminars and education programs for Nigerian citizens on the potential hazards of corruption and related issues. Additionally, anti-corruption institutions and methods should be enhancedenCorruptionBriberyPoliticalGovernancePOLITICAL FACTORS AND THE PHENOMENON OF CORRUPTION IN KWARA STATE, NIGERIAArticle