Olatunji, Samson Olusola2018-07-112018-07-112016-12Olatunji, S.O. (2016). Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to the Study of African Linguistics for Depth, Scope and Accuracy: An Advocacy. In Samuel O. Aje, Gbenga Solomon Ibileye, Upa Nahum Butari, Onah El-Kanemi Patric and Oreoluwa Abraham Solomon (Eds.). Linguistics, Language and Literature. A festschrift for Taiwo Olufunto Gani-Ikilama. Pp. 307-317.978-978-51504-5-2http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/999Peer reviewedThis paper is an advocacy for multi-disciplinary approaches to the study of African linguistics. It delineates the concept of African linguistics and the rationales for ample attention this branch of linguistics to take care of the peculiar need of the African people. It takes a critical look at the problems that have arisen concerning African linguistic issues as a result of isolationist and parochial approach to the enterprise. It also exposes the disadvantages to include inability to come up with terms that are universally acceptable, formulation of contentious translation of terms, inadequate documentation and transmission of historical and cultural facts and realities, among others. It then explores the advantages accruable from employment of a harmonized multidisciplinary approach.enmulti-disciplinaryAfrican LinguisticsisolationistparochialismSystems TheorymisconceptionsdecolonisationMulti-Disciplinary Approaches to the Study of African Linguistics for Depth, Scope and Accuracy: An AdvocacyBook chapter