TAKIM, F.OOlaoye, GKawuyo, M.GBankole, F.A2023-05-052023-05-052022https://uilspace.unilorin.edu.ng/handle/20.500.12484/9583Nigeria currently relies on the importation of over 95% of her sugar requirement due to a combination of factors which include low installed capacity of the existing sugar companies, inefficient factory operation as well as the dependent on the use of old and low yielding sugarcane varieties. One of the ways to ameliorate this situation is the use of high yielding and adapted sugarcane varieties. To this end, 28 of the sugarcane varieties were evaluated for four cropping cycles (2013 - 2017) at two sites in Nigeria. The trials were laid out as a randomized complete block design with four replicates. Each plot was 6 ridges of 10 m long and 1.4 m between the rows. Three-eyed cane setts of 6-7 months old which were disease free were 2 laid horizontally end-to-end. Data were collected from a net plot (60 m ) on brix, yield and yield components and data were analysed. Identification of the top yielding varieties from each site based on selection criterion (cane yield + acceptable brix, rank summation index (∑RSI) values for combination of cane yield and brix as well as ∑RSI value for Kg-brix and cane quality parameters). Results showed significant (p≤0.05) differences among the varieties for cane yield cane brix %, pol %, purity and expected sugar recovery for the selected varieties. Three varieties were identified: B80689, Co9906 and CoC671 with mean yield of 77.99, 61.26 and 59.93 t/ha, respectively. The identified varieties had acceptable cane brix ≥20 %, pol % of 18.00, purity of 90% and expected sugar recovery of 10.00 and above. These varieties exhibited good quality traits and their genetic potential. There are therefore recommended to for adoption by the sugarcane estates for cultivation in southern ecologies of Nigeria.Sugarcane, summation index, ratoon crop, cane brix, sugar recovery, southern NigeriaQualitative and Quantitative Performance of Selected Exotic Sugarcane (Saccharum Officinarum L.) Varieties in Nigerian Southern Ecologies.Article