Alamu, A. G.2019-10-182019-10-1820100794-445, so precious to the contemporary minds, is by no means geared towards eliminating individuality, dividedness, disunity and ‘isms’. The fissions and separations within Christendom have slowed down germane progress as a result of unpleasant Christianity. Thus, this contorted Christianity lurked the bodies of Christ for centuries. It therefore becomes imperative to arrest this awful and skewed situation of individuality and dividedness which has been the bane in Christendom. However, the unifying dynamism of the contemporary minds seeks for a whole, a co-operative oneness, a synthetic whole hence ecumenism. Ecumenism speaks of communion as the rule than union as the exception. Apart from this, ecumenism is to remove absolutist language that has for so long coloured Christian consciousness and witness. One of the highest goods Christians can strive for is to promote an authentic, intra-cultural dialogue that will enable all Christians genuinely search for and discover truth in its inexhaustible richness and to cooperate ever more effectively in removing the suffering, human disunity and individualism that is devastating Christian community. It is in the light of the foregoing that this paper seeks to aptly explore ecumenism in Nigerian Church. The study will give a cursory and critical treatment of the implications of ecumenism in Nigerian Church which is the focus of attention.enUnityEcumenismChristendomIndividualismImplications of Ecumenism in the Church in NigeriaArticle