Sunmonu, MOOdewole, MMObajemihi, OIAkepenpuun, TDJimoh, Mikail2021-12-072021-12-0720171000 7924 study was conducted to develop a battery operated evaporative cooling structure for storing perishable fruits (pears). The structure consists of a cooling chamber made of aluminium which is inserted inside the galvanized steel interspaced with river bed sand of 7cm. The interspace soil is constantly wetted with water at room temperature to keep the soil moist condition. The other components attached are fan blades which are connected to 12 voltage battery and control by on and off switch to reduce temperature and increase relative humidity of air, electric wires and battery holder. The fan is designed in a way to suit the required operation. It consists of a stator (stationary part) and the rotor (rotary part). The fan blades are attached to the rotor which results in blowing of air due to electromagnetic induction. The capacity of the cooling chamber, amount of air moved in one revolution and fan pressure were 14,888,367mm3 ,95.5 rpm and 14.96N/m2, respectively. Freshly harvested but matured pears were used for the experiment. The temperature and relative humidity were monitored on daily bases. The mean temperature in the storage structure and ambient were 24.93°C and 31.14°C respectively, while the mean relative humidity in the ECS and ambient were 89.5% and 61.14% respectively. Results showed that the constructed evaporative cooling structure (ECS) was able to maintain store produce at the temperature close to room temperature.BatteryPerishablesFanBladeCoolingPearsDevelopment of Battery Operated Evaporative Cooling System for Storing PerishablesArticle