ADEBIYI, Oluwashina MorufABUBAKAR, Abdulrahman2024-04-232024-04-232024978·978·785·962·9 the return to democracy in 1999, Nigeria has experienced more than two decades of unbroken democratic governance with steady conduct of elections. This feat, considering the nation's epileptic democratic history is commendable. More importantly, however, is the question: what impact have these elections been on democratic sustenance? This poser underscores the objective of this paper which shall be to chronologically review elections in Nigeria since 1999 to determine their value to democratic sustenance and development. The article shall be descriptive and qualitative and shall draw on empirical evidence from Nigeria's elections since 1999. The article shall be anchored on the post-colonial state theory and shall derive data through a critical examination of extant secondary data such as reports of election observer missions, relevant journal articles, textbooks, as well as publications of governmental and non-governmental organizationsenDemocracyElectionsElection FraudElectoral ViolenceDemocratic SustenanceAN ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF ELECTIONS ON DEMOCRATIC SUSTENANCE IN NIGERIA SINCE 1999Article