Abdulkadir, Shakirat OdunayoAdebisi, Winnifred OluwaseyiOgundimu, B.M2019-10-222019-10-222017volume 6 No 1978-37772-6-0http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3015Weaning food was formulated based on locally available cereals, yellow maize (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and legumes: Bambara nuts (Vigna subterranean) and groundnuts (Arachishypogea). The nutritive value was evaluated and compared with commercial formula and recommended daily allowance (RDA). The blends were divided into three. The first blend was made up of yellow maize, sorghum, Bambara nuts (70:20:10). The second blend was made up of yellow maize sorghum groundnuts (70:20:10) while the third blend was made up of yellow maize, sorghum groundnuts and Bambara nuts (60:20:10:10). The proximate composition and mineral contents of the formulated diets were determined. Sensor evaluation was also carried out and results indicated that all three diets met the RDA values for children and also compared favourably with the commercial weaning diets which served as the control and therefore they were acceptable by the panelist.enAssessmentWeaning foodsDevelopmentCerealsASSESSMENT OF THE NUTRITIVE VALUE OF WEANING FOOD DEVELOPED FROM YELLOW MAIZE AND SORGHUM FORTIFIED WITH BAMBARA NUTS AND GROUNDNUTSArticle