Adekeye, Deborah Shade2020-05-222020-05-2220132141-3827 both developed and developing countries, statistics have shown that there is an increase in the presence of women in the work place and this has generated considerable interest in the study of gender related issues. Despite this, not much attention has been paid to the issue of gender diversity as it relates to work commitment. This study was designed to investigate whether there were any differences between men and womencommitment to their job. The study selected 568 respondents drawn from three Universities using stratified random sampling. The study‟s primary data were generated through the use of questionnaires. The central research hypothesis tested in the study revolved around whether a difference in work commitment was due to differences in gender types.The t –test was employed to analyse the data. The main finding of this study is that female employees were found to be more committed than their male counterparts. This was confirmed by the t –test result (t = 3.81, t 0.05 = 1.96, Df 566, since t > 0.05, Reject H0). The main conclusion of this study is that gender type of the employees is a major determinant of their commitment level. The major recommendation is that in designing programme for reducing negative behaviours or lack of commitment among employees, organizations should take into consideration the central role of gender construct by promoting gender friendly policies in order to increase their level of commitment and organizational efficiency.enGenderCommitmentOrganizationEfficiencyBehaviourGender Differences and Work Commitment in Selected Federal University in NigeriaArticle