Adebisi, Winnifred Oluwaseyi2019-10-222019-10-222017978-37772-6-0 study examined the influence of kitchen hygienic practices on family health among homemakers in for South local government area, Kwara state. Simple random sampling was used to select 150 respondents Data were collected and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics at 0.05 level of significance. Results of the study showed that majority (34.7%) of the respondents were between the 37-40 wars, married (64.0%). Muslims (60.0%), having secondary school certificate (44.0%), are self emploved (44.4%) and their income per month is between 727,000 to 741,000. Also, homemakers agreed to be involved in some kitchen hygienic practice such as washing of hands before handling food products and regular cleaning of the kitchen to guide against household pest and rodents. Homemakers also Strongly agreed that some of these kitchen hygienic practices influence healthy living of the family, Further results showed that the level of education had significance on hygienic practices (r = 0.0086;p= 00372). Also, Hygienic practices had significance on the family's health (r = 0.050; p=0.0329). The study concluded that hygienic practices bring about food safety which is a key component in preventing food borne illness and promoting healthy living in the familyKitchenHygienePracticesFamilyHomemakersINFLUENCE OF KITCHEN HYGIENIC PRACTICES ON FAMILY HEALTH AMONG HOMEMAKERS IN ILORIN EAST LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, KWARA STATEArticle