Omoloso, Aisha ImamAbdulrauf-Salau, Aishat2018-08-022018-08-022015Omoloso. A.I. & Abdulrauf-Salau, A. (2015). Development and National Security: The Role of Indigenous Languages in Dissemination of Media Content in Nigeria. In National Security and Development in Contemporary Nigeria. I. B. Bello-Imam (eds.) 356-372. Ilorin. Published by Al-Hikimah University, College Press. number of scholars in the last two decades have emphasized the centrality of the indigenous African languages to any discussion on development particularly in Africa. The importance of language as a fundamental element of human communication is indeed beyond dispute. In the case of mass mediated messages, the media’s powers of shaping the people’s perception of reality on issues bordering on national security and sustainable development in general can obviously not be achieved without the use of language. While scholars generally agree on the fact that the media are useful vehicles in promoting development, one issue which remains unresolved however is that of “what roles are assigned to which language in the media”. This is especially as the logic of administrative convenience clashes with the logic of linguistic diversity. In a multilingual society such as Nigeria, indigenous languages are an important tool capable of empowering and mobilizing large sections of the populace, particularly those who are not literate in English, which serves as the official language of many Nigerian media organizations. With the present state of insecurity in the nation, no group of people, whether literate or non-literate, should be denied access to vital issues related to security and development. This paper seeks to bring to the fore the imperative of promoting indigenous languages in media content with a view to exploring the links between indigenous language, communication for development and mass mobilization on issues of national security.enCommunicationMass MediaIndigenous LanguagesNational SecurityDevelopmentDevelopment and National Security: The Role of Indigenous Languages in Dissemination of Media Content in Nigeria.Book chapter