Adedoyin Jolaade, Omede2021-06-012021-06-012009 media has over time become an essential mechanism in making available reliable, objective and deserve information about the conduct and management of the business of governance. This is so because the media plays an important role in educating, informing and enlightening the public abut government activities apart from its most important role as the fourth estate of the realm. Paradoxically, this function of the media is also in contradistinction to the very essence of a national security because of its characteristic and media leakages, which often endanger military operations irrespective of the status of the country, be it a developed country like the United State of America or an emerging democratic entity like Nigeria...enNiger-DeltaLiberiamediagovernanceAnalysing the Media Impact on Military OperationsThe Case Studies of the United States of America and NigeriaArticle