Adeosun, Hezekiah Olufemi2019-04-052019-04-052013 is a relatively new field of study in Yorùbá scholarship and in Yorùbá written poetry in particular. Adeosun’s (2012) work, A Socio-semiotic study of selected Yorùbá written poetry, is the pioneering effort in the Yorùbá written poetry. However, this study was an exploration of socio-semiotic approach for the analysis of six poems in Adébòwálé’s Ìgbà Lonígbàákà. It aimed at unravelling how the poet selected words to discuss the social happenings in her environment. Socio-semiotics emphasised the importance of context, both context of situation and context of culture, in reconstructing the meaning of a text. In the study, context of situation (i.e., field, tenor and mode of discourse) and context of culture were used for the interpretation of the selected poems. The major findings located in the field of discourse centred on the social vices that are prevalent among contemporary young girls and women, and also the issue of bribery that has eaten deep into the fabric of all sectors of the society. The tenor of discourse exhibited the poet’s role interaction as a wife and mother. The mode of discourse was advising through the use of metaphorical expressions. The context of culture foregrounded the Yorùbá ideological stance on the marriage institution. The study concluded that the deployment of socio-semiotic tools to analyse the selected poems made the interpretation of the poems more easier, by identifying some social problems in the society and also suggesting solutions to these problems.enSocio-semioticsContext of situationContext of cultureA Socio-semiotic analysis of Oluyemisi Adebowale's Igba LonigbaakaArticle