Amosa, Jimoh RafiuAremu, Nuha SalihuJimoh, Adams Lukman2024-05-082024-05-082024Amosa, J.R. Aremu, N.S, Jimoh, A L. (2024). Effect of Informal Group on Organisational Performance of Selected Textile Manufacturing Firms in Lagos state, Nigeria. Ilorin Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM), 8(1); 79-89, Published by Department of Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. exist in order to fulfill the purpose for which they were established. The goals are achieved by team working around set objectives and rules. These goals encompass a bounded common interests, proximity and friendship in the workplace which some organisations failed to recognized. Thus, this study sought to examine the effect of informal group on organisational performance of selected textile manufacturing firms in Lagos state, the specific objectives were to (i) determine the effect of group norms on employees' job satisfaction and (ii) examine the effect of group leadership on organisational effectiveness. The study made use of cross-sectional survey design and a multi- stage sampling technique. Data were obtained through the use of questionnaire distributed to 400 staff from the total population of 4l 15. The hypotheses drawn were tested through the use of regression analysis. Findings from the test revealed a positive and significant effect of group norms on employees’ job Satisfaction. and that group leadership had a positive and significant effect on organisational effectiveness. The study therefore concludes that informal group have positive and significant effect organisational performance. The study recommends that organisational managers should embrace, recognize and appreciate the presence of informal group in their organisation to foster consistent Organisational performance.enInformal groupGroup normsGroup leadershipJob satisfactionOrganisation effectivenessEFFECT OF INFORMAL GROUP ON ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF SELECTED TEXTILE MANUFACTURING FIRMS IN LAGOS STATE, NIGERIAArticle