Ijaiya, Bashir Leke Dr.ABDULRASAO, FUNSHO FATIMAH2021-04-162021-04-1620142449-1853http://uilspace.unilorin.edu.ng:8081//xmlui/handle/123456789/4732Biodiversity is essential for human existence and plays a crucial role in su sizinante development and poverty reduction. Il provides millions of people with variety of life with which survival and existence of mankind is guaranteed. The alarning rate a n d biodiversity is being annihilated has exacerbated poverty in our society. Thus govern "}}1. at both national and local levels have evolved legislationis to check the incessant abuse on biodiversity which helps to secure food security and source of traditional and modern pharmaceuticals. Thus, this work principally examines the various legislatus on biodiversity conscrvation and its flect on poverty reduction in kvara State, Nigeria. The following are suggested as ways by which biodiversity can be conscrved suid consequently reduce poverty in Kwara Stale; provision of economic, social, political and psychological empowerment to improve the imra me of die poor, involvemen! of the Britpople in the participation, design and formulation of policics and regulations on biodiversity. Cho enforcement of the law on biodiversity, recognizing the proprietary inlercst of individual auch above all, institutionalizing good governance and coƱibating corruptionenLawsBiodiversityConservationPoverty ReductionKwara StateNigeriaTHE LAWS ON BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION AND POVERTY REDUCTION IN KWARA STATE, NIGERIAArticle