Ugowe, Anthonia OmosefeIgbayiloye, Oluwatosin BusayoOjibara, Hameenat Bukola2021-05-072021-05-0720150794-4349 paper aimed at studying the market for corporate control as a vehicle to effectively and efficiently regulate the corporate governance of a company. Corporate governance found itself in the forefront of the discuss in the business and academic world as a result of high-level scandals which led to the collapse of hitherto strong multinational companies which were once thought to be sure bets. The need for the prevention of a reoccurrence of such scandals and improvement on a company’s corporate governance system has prompted this study. In the conclusion of this paper, a balanced approach was reached for the market for corporate control and other corporate governance mechanisms were provided to ensure that a company is properly managed.enUnited KingdomEuropean UnionTakeoversCorporate GovernanceMarket for Corporate ControlTakeovers as an effective mechanism for corporate governanceArticle