Olatoke, F.,Ologe, F.E.,Alabi, B.S.,Dunmade, A.D.,Segun-Busari, S.Afolabi, O.A.2020-02-202020-02-202006Olatoke, F., Ologe, F.E., Alabi, B.S., Dunmade, A.D., Segun-Busari, S. & Afolabi, O.A. (2006): Epistaxis: A Five year Review, Saudi Medical Journal. 27 (7); 1077-1079. Official Journal of the Medical service department of Saudi Arabian Armed forceshttp://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3783Epistaxis: A five year ReviewA medical emergency deserves appropriate and timely intervention. Epistaxis is one of such emergency seen by Otolaryngologists. A retrospective study carried out on patients who presented with epistaxis at the University of llorin Teaching Hospital over a 5-year (1999-2003) period. Information on these patients was retrieved from hospital's patients' attendance register and case notes after due permission from relevant hospital authorities. A total of 1153 cases of adult and pediatric emergencies were seen during the period under review; 342 (29.6%) were aural; 508 (44.1%) were nasal and 303 (26.2%) were throat related. Epistaxis constituted 46.5% of the nasal emergencies while foreign bodies in the nose constituted 20.4%, acute rhino sinusitis 11.2%, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhealO.2%; nasal furunculosis 9.8% and septal hematoma/septal abscess 1.9% In conclusion, epistaxis constitutes a major ENT emergency in Nigeria; adults are dominant victims.Trauma was the most common etiological factor revealed by this study followed by idiopathic cause.enFive yearEpistaxisEpistaxis: A Five year Review,Article