OGUNBIYI, OLATUNDE OYEWOLE2018-07-202018-07-2020150795-3046http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1039CAPTURES THE EXCESSES OF BASORUN GAHA FROM THE PERSPECTIVES OF RELIGIONNigeria has been known to be one of the most religious nations of the world. Yet, it is also regarded as one of the most corrupt nations of the world. This exercise is an excursion into the pre-colonial times of Nigeria, the period before the birth of Nigeria as a nation. It is intended to examine the religious and political antecedence of Oyo Empire with a view to drawing out a few lessons for contemporary Nigerian society. The escapades of Basorun Gaha will form the template for our indices in the appropriating the excesses and eventually provide a panacea for Nigerian political quagmire. Nigeria has gone through a lot of challenges since its inception as a nation. There has been political transitions from civilian to military and then to civilian form of government. These transitions have been fraught with a lot of economic stress; there have been political excesses, corruption and ritual killings. This exercise is one that cuts across several academic disciplines of history, religion and sociology. The approach will therefore be multi-disciplinary with a view to assessing the excesses of the Nigerian politicians.enBASORUN GAHAPOLITICAL EXCESSESRELIGIONYORUBARELIGION AND POLITICAL EXCESS IN PRE-COLONIAL OYO EMPIRE: THE EXPLOITS OF BASORUN GAHA AND IMPLICATIONS FOR CONTEMPORARY NIGERIAArticle