Adam, M., Esievo, K.A.N., Bisalla, M., Ayo, J.O., Aliyu, A.I., Akanbi, O.B., Baba, A.Y., Raji, L.O. & Saleh, A.2024-05-212024-05-21202017. Adam, M., Esievo, K.A.N., Bisalla, M., Ayo, J.O., Aliyu, A.I., Akanbi, O.B., Baba, A.Y., Raji, L.O. & Saleh, A. (2020). Reproductive pathology of experimentally induced lead poisoning in Red Sokoto buck: protective effect of tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus). Assuit Veterinary Medical Journal, 66(165): 67-79, Published by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assuit University Assuit, Egypt. Available online at Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal - Articles List ( (Cyperus esculentus) is a crop that belongs to family Cyperaceae which produces rhizome and tuber that are small spherical in shape. The tubers have aphrodisiac, carminative, diuretics and several health benefits. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of methanol extract of tiger nut on the male reproductive pathology of chronic lead poisoning in Red Sokoto buck. The tiger nut was extracted using 95% methanol by cold extraction method. Four adults Red Sokoto bucks (12 to 25 kg) were randomly grouped into four. Group I was administered distilled water (200 mL). Group II was administered lead acetate (200 mg/kg) only. Group III was administered methanol extract of tiger nut (200 mg/kg) and lead acetate (200 mg/kg). Group IV was administered tiger nut (200 mg/kg) only. Evaluation of semen characteristics (semen motility, semen concentration, ejaculate volume and semen pH) were determined by standard method. The serum testosterone changes were determined using commercial kits. The lead acetate (200 mg/kg) group II showed decreased semen characteristics parameters while tiger-nut (LA + TN) group III showed improved values of the semen characteristics. However, the semen characteristics values on the distilled water (DW) group I and sole tiger nut (TN) group IV showed a good semen characteristics values. In conclusion the methanol extract of tiger nut contained antioxidant properties that significantly influence a protective role in ameliorating the pathological effect of lead poisoning in male reproductive pathology in Red Sokoto goat.enTiger-nutlead-poisoningtestosteroneantioxidant and phytochemical.Reproductive pathology of experimentally induced lead poisoning in Red Sokoto buck: protective effect of tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus).Article