Umar, Abubakar YaruOyedele, Samuel OlanrewajuNelson, GabrielAbdulKareem, Abdulrazaq KayodeIshola, Abdulrasaq Ajadi2021-06-022021-06-022017-12Umar, A.Y., Oyedele, S.O., Nelson, G., Abdulkareem, A.K., Ishola, A.A. (2017) An Impact Evaluation of Skills Acquisition progrrams on Women Empowerment In Giwa Local Government Area of Kaduna State. Ilorin Journal of Administration and Development. 3(2) 26-40 the government's efforts at empowering women via skills acquisition initiatives to alleviate poverty, poverty has remained pervasive especially among women in Giwa Local Government Area of Kaduna state. This has denied them access to the basic requirements (food, shelter, clothing, education, health, etc.) necessary for a decent life and therefore leaves them at the mercy of their husbands or other male folks. This study is, therefore, an attempt to evaluate the skills acquisition programs initiated by the Giwa Local Government Area in collaboration with the state government to empower women and alleviate poverty in the area. This study adopts a survey research approach using primary data generated from both interview and questionnaires for analysis. Results showed that the programs have appreciably empowered women as the income level of a sizeable number of them have risen and they can now afford the basic necessities such as food and clothing; afford to acquire basic household items; and also afford to visit health centres for treatment when the need arises without their spouse's support. Notwithstanding, the programs are marred by poor and inconsistent funding, inadequate working tools, shortage of technical personnel and non-involvement of women in planning the programs. The study therefore recommends adequate and timely funding, engagement of qualified and experienced trainers, engagement of women in the planning and designing of the programs, provision of adequate working tools, and the provision of soft loans or micro-credit.enSkills AcquisitionPoverty AlleviationWomen EmpowermentAN IMPACT EVALUATION OF SKILLS ACQUISITION PROGRAMS ON WOMEN EMPOWERMENT IN GIWA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF KADUNA STATEArticle