2021-11-262021-11-262017-03-30https://uilspace.unilorin.edu.ng/handle/20.500.12484/6983The study examined the views of university of Ilorin female students on misconception of choosing human kinetics as a career. Descriptive research design of survey type was used for the study. The population for the study made up of all the 225 female students in Human Kinetics Education. Simple random sampling was used to select 180 students. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentages for demographic and inferential statistics of Chi-Square (X²) for testing the postulated hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level. The study revealed that unilorin female students’ view on misconception of women choosing Human Kinetics as a career was significant with the believe that participating in sports have adverse effects on their body shape. (X² = 67.9 > 16.92; P=0.05), also unilorin female students’ view on misconception of women choosing human kinetics as a career was significant due to the because that the profession offers poor future prospects. (X² = 253.1 > 16.92; p=0.05) further the female students’ view on misconception of woman choosing human kinetics as a career was significant because they agreed that women have lesser career opportunities when compared with their male counterparts. (X² = 47.8 > 16.92; P=0.05), the female students’ view on misconception of women choosing human kinetics as a career was significant owing to the believe that participating in sports would have adverse effects on their fertility. (X² = 128.4 > 16.92;p=0.05) and they also agreed that the public perceive them to be promiscuous. (X² = 229.1 > 16.92; p=0.05). This study concluded that unilorin female student’ view on misconception of women choosing human kinetics as a career was significant with the believe that participating in sports would have adverse effects on their body shape and fertility while they believed that the professions offers poor future prospects and public see them as being promiscuous. It was therefore recommended that women who choose human kinetics as a career should plan their pattern of participation in sports in a way that it will not have adverse effects on their body shape and fertility. Also, sport organizations should be sensitized to address gender balance in their recruitment exercise so as to boost the prospect of women that want to build career in human kinetics. More so, women that have chosen human kinetics as a careers should be re-oriented that they have equal career opportunities compared to their male counterparts while the public should be sensitized to change their negative perception about women in human kinetics profession as being promiscuous.MisconceptionfertilitypatternrecruitmentperceptionViews of Unilorin Female Students on Misconception of Women Choosing Human Kinetics as a CareerArticle