Aladewolu, V.TGbadebo, C.T2019-10-302019-10-302017978-37772-6-0 It was estimated that more than 240 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes and this number could double by the year 2025, which could be the beginning of a global epidemic. The purpose of the study was to determine diabetes prevalence and influence of nutrition education on its management. Survey research design was adopted. Three research questions were put forward. The sample consisted of 70 respondents, 30 medical personnel’s and 40 diabetic patients from Yaba Military Hospital were randomly sampled. Two questionnaires validated by experts and with reliability coefficient of 0.76 and 0.73 were used to collect data from respondents. Data collected were analyzed with frequency counts, Percentage, Mean statistic, t-test and ANOVA. The findings revealed a significant difference in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus among male and female diabetic patients. (P<0.05).The result revealed that about 69% of the sufferers of diabetes were males. The findings revealed no significant difference in the opinion of medical personnel on the influence of nutrition education on diabetic patients ((P>0.05). It also showed that nutrition education had positive effects on the health status of the respondents. It is concluded that a good knowledge of nutrition has positive attributes on the management of diabetes. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that diabetic patients should submit themselves to adequate nutrition programme to aid management as soon as they are diagnosed. They are also advised to get themselves well informed about the disease to be able to manage their health and live a healthier life.enNutrition EducationHealth StatusHealth StatusDiabetic patientsDiabetesDiseaseInfluence of Nutrition Education on the Health Status of Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Lagos State.Article