Yusuf, A.Amali, I.O.O.Bello, M. B.Isiaka, I.2021-05-272021-05-272013-1012. Yusuf, A., Amali, I.O.O., Bello, M.B., & Abdulaziz, I. (2013). Ilorin emirate teachers’ perception of group dynamics classroom seating arrangement in upper basic schools as a means of promoting violence–free security, Nigerian Journal of Sociologists of Education. (NJSE) (2); 251-260;1118-1784https://uilspace.unilorin.edu.ng/handle/20.500.12484/5436Nigerian Journal of Sociologists of Education. (NJSE)This paper investigates the Ilorin Emirate teachers’ perception of group dynamics classroom seating arrangement as a means of promoting violence- free society. 357 teachers were randomly selected from 20 Upper Basic Schools in Ilorin Emirate. Researchers designed questionnaire with content validity and 0.67 reliability index was used to elicit the needed data for the study. The data collected was analyzed using mean rating, t-test and ANOVA. Among others, it was discovered that the respondents had positive perception of group dynamics classroom seating arrangement as a means of promoting violence- free society. From the research hypotheses tested, the findings revealed that there was no significant difference in the teachers’ perception of group dynamics classroom seating arrangement as a means of promoting violence- free society based on gender, experience, ethnicity and school type. The study recommended that, teacher should employ classroom learning structure that will promote tolerance, self- respect, respect for others, and their dignity as well as development of social interaction among the diverse ethnic groups in Nigeria.enILORIN EMIRATE TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONGROUP DYNAMICS CLASSROOM SEATING ARRANGEMENTUPPER BASIC SCHOOLSPROMOTING VIOLENCE- FREE SOCIETYILORIN EMIRATE TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION OF GROUP DYNAMICS CLASSROOM SEATING ARRANGEMENT IN UPPER BASIC SCHOOLS AS A MEANS OF PROMOTING VIOLENCE- FREE SOCIETYArticle