Alafara, A. BabaAramide, O. OmipidanFolahan, A. AdekolaJob, ObalowuAbdul, A.G. AlabiAyonbola, BaralRashmirekha, Samal2018-12-192018-12-192014 optimum condition for leaching dolomite ore in hydrochloric acid solutions was determined in this study. The optimized parameters referred to the temperature, the acid concentration, the time and particle size. It was found that the leaching temperature was 80°C, the acid concentration was 2 mol/L, the leaching time - 60 minutes, while the particle size - 0.01 mm. The dolomite ore leaching efficiency reached 99.3 % under these conditions. The dissolution kinetic data were analysed and found to follow diffusion control mechanismendolomite oreleachinghydrochloric aciddiffusion control mechanismoptimizationOptimization Study of A Nigerian Dolomite Ore Dissolaution By Hydrochloric AcidArticle