Fatima, Ibrahim2019-10-152019-10-152007118-5902http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2463PELThe present day agitation on African performance is that recent themes and motives negate the African custom, tradition, codes of conduct and mannerism. Most heroes for instance, will take an anti-culture posture, yet they are allowed to remain a part and panel of the society. The general argument therefore has been on whether culture is put in continuity or in discontinuity in written African performances. The conclusion is the findings on the relevance and functional efficacy of incantations for cultural realization and stability. Incantations serve as the major vehicle through which Ola Rotimi for instance drives home his message and makes reference to one of the major sources that can be used to confront threats and negations to the cultural roots.enPerfomanceReflexiblityRealismEfficacyMagical actRitesCharmMedicineSocietyHeroesAfricanReligionFarmlandResourceThe Efficacy of Incantations in African Performance and their Implicity in Ola Rotimi`s PlayArticle