Adesina, KikelomoFawole, AdegboyegaDurotoye, IdayatAboyeji, AbiodunMusa, OmoyineOlarinoye, AdebunmiEno, EnangAdepoju, Ayodeji2019-11-142019-11-142013-04Adesina, K.T, Fawole, A.A, Durotoye, I.A, Aboyeji, A.P, Musa, O.A, Olarinoye, A.O, Eno, E.E, Adepoju, A.M, (2013): Immune Thrombocytopaenic Purpura In Pregnancy: A Case of Near Miss Mortality in a Nigerian. Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology30(1): 126-130. Official Publication of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON). occurs in pregnancy like in the non-pregnant state and can be due to immune thrombocytopaenic purpura (ITP). The hyperoestrogenic state of pregnancy has been identified as a precipitating factor. This is a case report of a thirty year old Nigerian lady, who at a gestational age of 26 weeks developed ITP as a near miss mortality. Although, most literatures reported that the perinatal outcome is usually favourable in this condition, we report a case managed in our facility that had intrauterine death and non- remission until delivery; despite corticosteroid therapy and transfusion of eleven (11) units of blood. This report is relevant in a developing world where a rare condition almost caused a maternal death in spite of the high maternal mortality rates from other conditions. Baseline full blood count is advocated at booking to identify and monitor rare haematological disorders like this in pregnancy.enImmune thrombocytopaenic purpura,Nigeria,perinatal mortality,PregnancyIMMUNE THROMBOCYTOPAENIC PURPURA IN PREGNANCY: A CASE OF NEAR MISS MORTALITY IN A NIGERIAN.Article