Adebayo, Mahmud KayodeBazza, Issa Hadiza2021-06-012021-06-012010nil privacy of citizens, their homes, correspondences, telephone conversations, and communication is guaranteed and protected under the constitution. Though this rights are guaranteed, they are subject to the limitation of the any law that is reasonably justified in a democratic society. This implies a kind of limitation on the scope of the enjoyment of this rights in order to protect public health, safety or in the interest of peace or scurity. Giving the high rate of maternal mortalityin Nigeria resulting from unsafe abortion, there is hih urgent need to have a rethink of the restircive penal abortion laws in Nigeria., except to the staututoty exception provided to safe the mothers life on health grounds. However, the resort to illegal service usually rendered by the quacks which often results in medical complication and death, the theme of the paper thereby advocate for a broader interpretation of the right to privacy to encompass a woman's decision to terminate her pregnancy fee from unwarranted governmental intrusion in matters fundamentally affecting her person. Recommendation wre offered in line with contemporary human rights and reproductive and sexual health.enGoodGovernancePeaceHuman RightsConstitutionLegalizing Abortion, Human Rights and Socio-economic Factor: A Matter of Good Public Health PolicynilBook chapter