Ogwokhademhe, M.C.Agboola, DTAdekeye, Deborah Shade2020-05-222020-05-222013115-960Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3979This study focused on the roles of husband during wife's pregnancy and afterbirth as expressed by mothers in Ilorin metropolis. And "mothers" in this study comprises of pregnant women and nursing mothers at University of ilorin Teaching Hospital (Maternity Wing). A total number of 200 women were involved in the study comprising of 100 pregnant women and 100 nursing mothers. Relevant data were collected using a self developed instrument titled "Roles of Husband during Wife's Pregnancy and Afterbirth Questionnaire (ROHUDUWPAAQ)...enChildbirthMothersPregnancyTrimesterHusband's Role during Wife's Pregnancy and Afterbirth as Expressed by Mothers in Ilorin MetropolisArticle