Alabi, AbdullahiAmbali, AbdulraufAmeen, Abdullateef2024-05-022024-05-022017Alabi, A., Ambali, A. & Ameen, A. (2017). Inter-tier power relations in Kwara State: An overview with Ilorin West, Moro and Oyun Local Government. Ilorin Journal of Administration and Development Studies. 3(2): 135-149.2536-7358 government is the third tiers of governments that are saddled with responsibility to cater for the inhabitants of the grass root and to promote this, the constitution recognizes the inter-tier relations among the organs of governments but yet the poor performances of the local government still persist. To achieve quality service delivery, this study examined the relationship between the state and local governments on health care series delivery. This study realized that the power relation affects the local government performance as a result of inability of the constitution to state clearly the political power of the local governments to act as independent organization. The study adopted qualitative and quantitative methods of analyzing the data collected in respect of the power relations between Kwara State and local governments on health services delivery. The study recommended that the autonomy should be given to the local governments to act independently.enInter-tier RelationsPower RelationsInter-governmental RelationsLocal GovernmentKwara StateInter-tier power relations in Kwara State: An overview with Ilorin West, Moro and Oyun Local Government.Article