Yusuph, Dauda Gambari2024-04-242024-04-242020-04Islam's Response to the Quest for Peace, Orderliness and Well-Being in Nigeria978-8026-94-Xhttps://uilspace.unilorin.edu.ng/handle/123456789/12753Nigeria as a nation has been facing security challenges for a long period of time. The country is dominated with many problems which make the peace to be a relative experience in the land. There are problems of kidnapping, farmer and herders attacks, insurgency (Bokoharam) and militancy among others. There is no section of the country without a particular problem, all of which give rise to insecurity. This paper, therefore, aimed at studying the causes of insecurity in the country, while considering solutions that could be offered by Sufism through it doctrines and practices. The methods adopted are basically historical and analytical. The findings revealed that from every indication, materialism is the major cause of various problems that degenerated into insecurity in the country, but manifested in different dimensions. As the rich struggles for more material acquisitions, the poor continues to wallow in abject poverty. Each then reacts accordingly, which engenders insecurity. There is little or no traces of asceticism (zuhd), contentment (qanācah), satisfaction (riḍā), reliance or trust in Allah (tawakkul), reticence (warac) and patience (ṣabr) among other principles in Sufism which tend to build internal mechanisms that can douse unnecessary quest for wealth and materialism. The paper therefore makes a case for Nigerians to adopt these principles in order to make security of lives and properties a reality. Key words: Materialism, Asceticism, Contentment, Satisfaction, Reticence, PatienceenA SUFI CATHOLICON FOR SECURITY CHALLENGE IN NIGERIABook chapter