Odeigah, Theresa Nfam2021-05-072021-05-0720182636-4530https://uilspace.unilorin.edu.ng/handle/20.500.12484/5115Agriculture and trade were the primordial economic activities of the people of Boki and it was their main occupation and source of livelihood. This contributed to the growth and development of the indigenous economy of the Boki people. The indigenous economy consisted basically of farming, salt production, fishing, hunting, animal rearing and trade. These economic activities of the people were capable of generating surplus produce after it met the needs of the people. Some of the agricultural produce was yam, palm oil, cocoyam, plantain, banana and maize. The crops defied the ecological barriers and this gave room for good harvest. The indigenous people of Boki depended, on indigenous vestigial implements such as hoes, diggers, cutlasses and sickles, which were very vital to the cultivation of the land.enResilienceIndigenousEconomyAgricultureTradeThe Resilience of the Indigenous Economy of the Boki People in the Eastern Niger Delta Area of Nigeria, 1900-2005Article