Agarry, Rachael Ojima2019-06-072019-06-072018-062354-3981 childhood educators consent to the fact that play is crucial to children’s learning and development irrespective of their cultural variations. Many of the developmental tasks such as exploring, risk-taking, development of fine and gross motor skills as well as the acquisition of basic knowledge needed for later years are most effectively learned through outdoor play. In the past, children enjoyed playing outside their houses, in the neighbourhood, gardens, open fields even on waste grounds. They were intimately involved with nature through climbing of trees, hunting, fishing, playing under showers of rain among other thrilling outdoor experiences. The same cannot be said of children of this contemporary world. Many of them seem not to be engaging sufficiently in these pleasurable and memorable activities as children of old. This however can be associated with the misconception of what outdoor play is and modern parents’ perception of what children need for healthy mental, physical, social, emotional growth and development. This article, therefore provided some empirical-supported values of outdoor play and its place in the holistic development of children. Also, some factors responsible for the decline of children’s engagement in outdoor play our contemporary world was highlighted. Possible ways to maximize the free gifts of nature outside our houses were equally discussed.enPlay, Outdoor play, Natural environment, Child development, Contemporary societyOUTDOOR PLAY: A KEY ELEMENT FOR HOLISTIC CHILD DEVELOPMENTArticle