Balami, D.H., Adeshina, I., & Agbeja, Y.E.2024-04-252024-04-252013Balami, D.H., Adeshina, I., & Agbeja, Y.E. (2013). Analysis of conflicts and security issues among informal cross-border fish traders in Okpara, Oyo State, Nigeria, Maiduguri Journal of Arts and Social sciences 11(1):1-7 paper examined the conflicts and security issues facing informal cross-border fish traders in Okpara,Nigeria (Benin-Nigeria Border). Primary source of daia was urilized. One Hundred and Tenty questionnaires were randomly distributed to the Fish Traders at the border market (Okpara, Oyo State) of Nigeria and responses were analysed using descriptive statistics (Percentages,Frequency,Mean, Standard Deviation and Variance). The results show that major cause o/conflicts is the of problems superiority (i.e which tribe should be regarded as the owner of the market and sometimes which tribes or nations can infiuence the decision in price fixing and other aspect of the marketing) with 45%. Majority constituted of about 69% reports conflict to the authority such as community Heads.Union leaders and so on and they settle any dispute. The results show that security of the nation is threatened by allowing informal trade because many criminal and terrorist acts use the medium to commit their crime (60%). More so, the munber of participants keeps increasing on a yearly basis. Armed robbery cases is common in the market with about 58% and majority of the victims were female ivith about 78%6,though men also reported cases of rape. The traders believe that illegal immigrant could enhance the influx of light weapons and ammunition (52 01%) and their common means of overcoming challenges of security agents is bribery(46.23%).The conflicts do noi hinder the system's activities but the security issues. Border infrastructure issues should be addressed in order to enhance the movement and security of traders and their goods. Corruption and insecurity at the border fiels ICBFT: Corrupt law-enforcement agencies ofien take advantoge of the local traders' lack of knowledge on customs procedures to take bribes.Effective policing at border points and market ports could reduce the incidence of crimes against traders and contribute to revenue generation.enInformalFish TradersSecurityConflictsAnalysis of conflicts and security issues among informal cross-border fish traders in Okpara, Oyo State, NigeriaArticle