Opadiji, JayeolaAjiboye, AyeAyeni, AdesekoOlatunji, Samuel2019-06-032019-06-032011http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2038The development and deployment of a computer-aided learning tool which serves as a learning aid for undergraduate course in digital signal processing is presented. We have carefully outlined the construction of the algorithm and the implementation process of the software with the aim of improving the level of understanding and assimilation of the concepts that make up the course. It also inspires software development at undergraduate level. Although the scope of this project was limited to fundamental principles of Digital Signal Processing, it was found to inspire software development among undergraduate students.enComputer Aided LearningDigital Signal ProcessingEngineering EducationSimulationImproving pedagogy in a digital signal processing course using computer-Aided learning systemsArticle