Fawole, Olufemi Adeniyi2020-01-152020-01-15201712449-1314http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3506The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of parental involvement in homework on academic performance of secondary school students in llorin, Nigeria. A total of one thousand one hundred and ninety-nine (1199) respondents participated in this study. Data were obtained through the use of structured questionnaires which were then analysed using Analysis of Variance (AN OVA). The ANOVA results showed that there is a significant effect of parental involvement on academic performance of senior secondary school students. It was observed that students whose parents were highly involved in monitoring homework and participating in their academic revision at home, improved in their academic performances to a significant level. The findings of this study have implications for counsellors, educators, and parents to further involve themselves actively in the academic development of the students. Parents were encouraged to improve on the cordial relationships with their children, and to be much more involved in the academic work of such children. Educational counsellors were also encouraged to assist likewise in monitoring, supervising and mentoring of the students.enAcademic achievementParental involvementParenting stylePerformancePARENTAL INVOLVEMENT IN HOMEWORK AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN ILORIN, NIGERIAArticle