AWODIJI, Omotayo AdewaleOGBUDINKPA, Ijeoma Charity2022-01-102022-01-102021-08-07 this era of knowledge-based economy, one of the areas of assessing a nation is its growth in the use of computer. The purpose of this paper is to explore offline and online educational resources for primary school instruction, so as to improve learning of pupils, and the traditional means of instruction to the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), as a means of instruction. The concepts of offline and online learning processes were discussed. Literature was reviewed on the concepts, from current authorities in the field of academics. More so, the implications for using offline/online educational resources as a means of instruction were itemized, such as cost effectiveness and time saving, flexibility, availability, among others. Also, the effective ways of using offline/online as a means of instruction were discussed. These are: mastery of the subject matter, which should be attractive, the platform should be easy to navigate, and there should be enhancement of contact so as to improve communication between the teacher and the pupils. Recommendations such that government at all levels and private individuals should subscribe to offline and online so as to reduce cost and to save time were made. Moreover, teachers are to be trained on the effective ways of handling these educational resources as a mode of instruction in primary schoolsenOfflineOnlineInstructionEducational ResourcesInstructionEXPLORING OFFLINE AND ONLINE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL INSTRUCTION IN NIGERIAArticle