Udende, Patrick2019-06-172019-06-1720130795-6967http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2150Even as advertising has occupied a seemingly dominant position in marketing of goods and services, some cynics still doubt its relevance. The paper, therefore, makes an insightful incursion particularly on the stance of the fund conservationists with a view to reading meaning into their accusations. Issues that form the bone of contention are centered on quality, price and availability rather than advertising occupying the central position. The paper, having considered some case studies, concludes that much as the price may be affordable or much as the product or service is easily accessible with its acclaimed good quality, without advertising the product or service will assume a negligible place in the market share. It recommends the use of advertising by marketers even during recession.enAdvertising, MarketingQualityBrandProductADVERTISING: A PRODUCTIVE OR WASTEFUL VENTURE?Article